Bathroom Rebels – Color my Deck

Simone Fachel invites artists to her photo projekt squatter my bath to occupy, transforn or just use her bathroom.

DJ on toilet
In November 2010 she invited us Bathroom Rebels Marinelli und _Tasmo to present our colored vinyl.

It was a session sitting on the toilet playing all the hoped-forgotten records more or less well mixed. ;) We had joy we had fun!!!

Remote Chaos Experience

Three DJ mixes for the rC3 – the 37th Chaos Communication Congress

As a DJ I had a nice experience at the rC3 in between the pandemic lockdown. I was playing three DJ sets with VJs and their live visuals made possible by so many nice people supporting the event.…
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Dubstep Symphony

Published on July 26, 2011


Published on November 22, 2011