Slap the Lady!

PMS 562 Lady by David Marsh

PMS 562 Lady

‚PANTONE solid uncoated‘ is a series of iconic masterpieces reinterpreted using PANTONE swatch icons from Adobe Illustrator.

Das kenn ich doch, das kenn ich doch!

Chumbawamba – Slap!
Chumbawamba -- Slap!

(click for the video)

Remote Chaos Experience

Three DJ mixes for the rC3 – the 37th Chaos Communication Congress

As a DJ I had a nice experience at the rC3 in between the pandemic lockdown. I was playing three DJ sets with VJs and their live visuals made possible by so many nice people supporting the event.…
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Published on January 08, 2011

_Tasmo – #Tassebier “Mega Deluxe”

Published on February 06, 2011