Die Welt aus anderen Augen

Aus einer anderen Sicht bekommt die Welt ein ganz anderes „Gleichgewicht“.
Zum Beispiel durch die Darstellung der Verteilung der Armut:

Human Poverty
Worldmapper: The world as you‘ve never seen it before - Human Poverty

Poverty is not just a financial state. Being poor affects life in many ways. The human poverty index uses indicators that capture non-financial elements of poverty, such as life expectancy, adult literacy, water quality, and children that are underweight. The 30 territories of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development use a different index which includes income and long-term unemployment; and not water quality or underweight children. This implies that the poor in richer territories are materially better off.

— © Copyright Sasi Group (University of Sheffield) and Mark Newman (University of Michigan)

Remote Chaos Experience

Three DJ mixes for the rC3 – the 37th Chaos Communication Congress

As a DJ I had a nice experience at the rC3 in between the pandemic lockdown. I was playing three DJ sets with VJs and their live visuals made possible by so many nice people supporting the event.…
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Noche ‘ne Linux-Audio-Distribution

Published on January 31, 2007


Published on January 31, 2007