ChucK [=>]

ChucK is a strongly-timed, concurrent, and On-the-fly Audio Programming Language.

ChucK vs. TextMate

A Bundle to edit ChucK files in the TextMate editor is created at Github.

To install it execute in Terminal:

cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles \
git clone git:// ChucK.tmbundle

This works in the Sublime Text editor as well.


VIM is a highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing.
It is an improved version of the VI editor distributed with most UNIX systems.

ChucK vs. vim

For .ck syntax highlighting in VIM you will need
A file opened in VIM you can add to an already running ChucK by typing in VIM:
:r! chuck + %
to have a shorter command* in VIM, add to your ~/.vimrc:
cnoreabbrev CH r! chuck + %
and the command
will do it.

* (adopted from the Vim Tips Wiki)

Remote Chaos Experience

Three DJ mixes for the rC3 – the 37th Chaos Communication Congress

As a DJ I had a nice experience at the rC3 in between the pandemic lockdown. I was playing three DJ sets with VJs and their live visuals made possible by so many nice people supporting the event.…
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M-Node – Waking up (DJ? Tasmo Poison Ivy rmx)

Published on December 21, 2009

The B-52s vs. Jimmy McGriff – Loveworm

Published on May 27, 2010